Another orthodontic treatment option for your misaligned teeth is Invisalign, even if you might not like the way metal braces look. Even if you've neglected your oral health, these clear plastic aligners can restore your gorgeous smile, something you can be proud of. And even though you're wearing this corrective item, it needn't stick out or attract unwanted attention.

Describing Invisalign.

If you're not aware, your New York orthodontist uses 3D scans of your mouth to construct the removable dental appliance known as Invisalign. You use this everyday aligner made of translucent plastic to straighten your teeth and even out any uneven ones. For the lower and upper teeth, our orthodontist in New York will make a specially designed Invisalign aligner to fit your mouth's size and form.

Although Invisalign aligners are excellent for straightening crooked teeth, they can also correct other dental issues you might be experiencing. You presumably have them in addition to crooked teeth because they frequently go together.

crooked teeth

Open mouth

little tooth gaps



How does Invisalign work to straighten teeth?

Once you've put Invisalign in your mouth, the plastic aligner will gradually apply pressure to your teeth to mould them into the appropriate shape. Your teeth that were once out of alignment will be realigned by a skilled orthodontist in New York. For a perfect smile, you must always keep them in your mouth for at least 20 to 22 hours each day. Similar to other dental procedures, wearing aligners may feel strange at first, but you will get used to it. If you don't wear your Invisalign clear aligners, your crooked teeth will remain crooked, thus you must take care of your dental health.

Better than Braces, Invisalign straightens teeth

Invisalign aligners are generally covered by dental insurance, and depending on how long you wear them, they may be less expensive than metal braces. Therefore, you are not committing to spending more money on a nicer smile when you can obtain one for less. However, to determine the precise pricing and determine the cost difference, you must speak with an orthodontist.

However, because of limitations such as overlap, rotation, or extreme crookedness, braces may not always be able to cover every tooth surface. On the other hand, Invisalign can straighten teeth in cases where braces are ineffective, such as those involving very crooked teeth. They can rotate your teeth more quickly and finish more quickly than traditional braces.

New York Invisalign Aligners

Don't worry if you don't want to use conventional metal braces to straighten your teeth or treat other dental problems. Metal braces are not necessary to get a straight and appealing smile. Better than traditional braces in straightening teeth, Invisalign is significantly more discrete. The Invisalign method can be used at Park Avenue Orthodontics in New York to easily & discretely straighten your teeth. What are you still holding out for? Call us right away to make an appointment.


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